We have 9 paradox sp5500 manuals available for free pdf download. Should you have any questions or comments, please visit. Select an installation site th at isnt easily accessible to intruders and l eave at least 5cm 2in around the panel box to permit adequate ventilation and heat dissipation. The paradox spectra sp6000 is a type of security alarm control known for its flexible features. Google for paradox spectra 1727 installation manual i found quite a few hits. The sp5500 control panel offers advanced solutions and communication via bus, allowing to create module alarm system. This user guide provides the information for paradox magelan mg5000, mg5050 spectra sp65, sp4000, sp 5500, sp6000, sp7000 security systems.
Guide utilisateur et programmation alarme provinciale. Pull all cables into the ca binet and prepare them for connection before mounting the circuit board into the back of the cabinet. Spectra sp6000, spectra sp7000, magellan mg5050, magellan mg5000. The installation site should be dry and close to an ac source, ground connection and telephone line connection. Spectra sp control panels sp4000, sp5500, sp6000, sp65, and sp7000 offer a combination of innovative features and an advanced communication bus for a uniquely expandable security system. User manuals, guides and specifications for your paradox spectra sp5500 security system. The system consists of the spectra control panel, one or more spectra keypads, various input devices i. It runs on 2 onboard pgm programmable outputs, as wells as 8 hardwired onboard zones. To further facilitate installation, every spectra sp panel can be configured using easytofollow, menudriven. Paradox spectra 1689 manuals and user guides, keypad.
Stayd lives with you and protects you at all times, without any unprotected periods, and while automatically rearming the. User manuals, guides and specifications for your paradox spectra 1689 keypad. Its product is used by satis ed customer in over 100 countries since 1989 internationally proven system to protect your loved ones and investment with absolute con dence. Im not sure how you can reset codes back to factory default but there should be a way. Magellan mg5050 en security system pdf manual download. View and download paradox spectra sp5500 programming manual online. Paradox magellan mg5050 programming manual pdf download.
How to install home alarm from a to z sp5500magellan paradox. Programming is almost exactly the same for the two of them. Homealarm sys paradox mg5050 vs sp6000 home security. Paradox spectra how to install an easyline gsm module to. The elegant and userfriendly spectra 1689 led keypad and 1641 lcd keypads allow you to easily access your security systems functions. A ordable premium burglar alarm system from canada paradox canada is top 10 alarm system in the world. Spectra sp5500, spectra sp6000, spectra sp7000, magellan mg5000, spectra sp4000, magellan mg5050, magellan mg5050 en. Basic operations auditory feedback when you enter information on the keypad, it will guide you with beep tones that communicate acceptance or rejection of your entries. For instance, backup batteries are able to continue powering up the system for 7 to 8 hours after the main power supply has been cut off. Contact globaltek security inc for more information. The paradox sp5500 is a alarm control panel pcb from paradox.
Paradox spectra sp5500 programming manual pdf download. Paradox security systems spectra sp5500 pdf user manuals. How to program sp6000 user manual guide how to program sp7000 user. Telecharger les guides dutilisateur pour les marques paradox, dsc et honeywell.
Magellan mg5000, mg5050 spectra sp sp65, sp4000, sp5500, sp6000, sp7000. This type of control panel allows sp6000 to have expandable and flexible features, making it suitable for business and residential use. Paradox spectra how to install an easyline gsm module to a sp 5500 alarm center. Mgsp reference and installation manual west alarm llc. Com programming guide 32 zone wireless transceiver security systems mg5000 v4. The spectra security system will give you peace of mind by providing reliable security protection. View online or download paradox sp5500 user manual. Zone input 1 becomes a 2wire smoke input except sp5500. With the communication bus the control panel can be expanded through a series of modules, both wired and wireless.
Magellan mg5000, spectra sp4000, spectra sp5500, spectra sp7000. Com programming guide 32zone wireless transceiver security systems mg5000 v3. Paradox magellan mg5050 retail and installation of alarm. View and download paradox magellan mg5050 programming manual online. Database contains 2 paradox spectra 1689 manuals available for free online viewing or downloading in pdf. Magellan and spectra sp are trademarks or registered. Sp5500 user manual mg5050 user manual paradox alarm system sp 5500, sp 6000, sp 7000, mg 5050 full user manual user programing lcd keypad. Paradox spectra sp5500 manuals and user guides, security. Paradox sp5500 manuals manuals and user guides for paradox sp5500. Patents one or more of the following us patents may apply. Paradox does not represent that the alarm system will prevent personal injury or property damage, or in all cases provide adequate warning or protection. Paradox alarm installation and manuals auckland new.
Should you have any questions or comments, please visit page 0 friday, november 21, 2008 10. Centrale alarme filaire paradox spectra sp 5500 planete alarme. Through its communication bus, all spectra sp panels can be expanded via wireless and hardwired expansion modules and a variety of accessory modules. Batteries are a very important component of an alarm system. Spectra can realize your dreams of home automation such as controlling garage doors, lights, heating, temperature and much more. Sp5500 control panel offers a combination of innovative features and an advanced communication bus for a uniquely expandable security system. Manualparadoxmagellansispectramg5000sp5500sp6000sp7000ghiddeprogramare free download as pdf file. Consult your installer to take full advantage of your spectra systems capabilities. Paradox mg5050 magellan 32zone wireless transceiver control panel builtin transceiver for wireless devices 433mhz or 868mhz 32 zones any of which can be wireless 32 users and 32 remote controls one per user 2 partitions 4wire communication bus connect up to 15 keypads 2 onboard hardwired zone inputs 4 with atz supports rem3, eight k37 wireless keypads, four sr150 wireless. This post will explain how to do a manual reset, or factory default on paradox sp alarm panels, including sp5500, sp6000, and sp7000 note. However, there is no guarantee that interference wi ll not occur in a particular installation. The installation and the programming can be accomplished easily in a few minutes. Paradox sp5500 alarm control panel pcb icam security.
Magellan mg5050 security system pdf manual download. Spectra sp5500 security system pdf manual download. How to program sp5500 user manual paradox alarm system duration. For the sp6000 you will need to add the rtx3 wireless module assuming youre using wireless detectors. The sum of the current drawn from the bell and aux.
Paradox spectra sp6000 16 zone upgrade kit k32lcd this kit includes. Kako ugraditi paradox alarmni sistem paradox spectra 1727 user manual. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy, and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Paradox magellan mg5050 wireless security systems stayd simplifies your life and makes it safer by protecting you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week without ever having to disarm the system even when entering an armed area. Following these steps will return your alarm panel to its factory default state. Paradox magelan mg5000, mg5050 spectra sp65, sp4000, sp. View online or download paradox security systems spectra sp5500 programming manual. The sp6000 has more onboard zones 8 vs 5 and 4 onboard relays. Database contains 1 paradox spectra sp5500 manuals available for free online viewing or downloading in pdf.